Consumer Information
Consumer Information & Disclosures
Columbia International University (CIU) is committed to transparency and compliance with federal and state regulations by providing students, parents, and the public with essential consumer information in accordance to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). This webpage serves as a central resource for important disclosures related to accreditation, student outcomes, financial aid, campus safety, and other key areas. We encourage prospective and current students to review this information to make informed decisions about their education at CIU.
For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, please call or email the appropriate contact provided in each area below.
General Institution Information
Academic Programs by CIP Code
Here you will find CIU’s academic programs with Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes.
Accreditation, Approval, & Licensure of Institution & Programs
Columbia International University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees. Columbia International University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Columbia International University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (
A list of accrediting organizations that accredit CIU or specific programs is available online.
Contact: Provost | | (803) 807-5027
Cohort Default Rates
Information taken from the following websites:
College Navigator
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about institutions of higher education.
Computer Use & File Sharing
Specific information related to computer use and file sharing is available in our IT Acceptable Use Policy.
Contact: Information Technology | | (803) 807-5199
Copyright Infringement – Policies & Sanctions
The library director is responsible for issues related to copyright infringement. View CIU’s copyright infringement policy.
Contact: Library Director | | (803) 807-5103
Educational Program & Faculty
Information on various educational programs, instructional facilities and faculty may be found in the most recent academic catalog. Faculty contact information is also found on the website.
Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040
Privacy of Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows present and future students to have access to their individual educational records, provides basic protections of privacy of their records, and allows them to request that certain “directory information” be kept confidential. Review additional information regarding the rights afforded to students by FERPA.
Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040
Services for Students with Disabilities
Descriptions of services for students with disabilities are available at the CIU Academic Success Center.
Contact: Academic Success Center | | (803) 807-5611
South Carolina – State Reciprocity Agreement (SC-SARA)
CIU is committed to expanding student access to its educational offerings and providing outstanding student support. Through membership in SARA, a voluntary interstate reciprocity agreement, CIU is able to provide high-quality online programs to students nationwide.
SC CHE serves as the state’s portal agency for SARA and is the final authority for SARA-related complaints. If an SC resident or online program student wishes to file a complaint, he or she may submit the CHE Student Complaint and Procedures form.
Contact: Provost | | (803) 807-5027
Student Activities
Please visit the Student Life section of our website for information on activities, organizations and general information about CIU.
Contact: Dean of Students | | (803) 807-5234
Student Diversity
CIU annually calculates information relating to the diversity of its students. The most recent information available is for the 2020–2021 academic year: Student Profile Data 2020.pdf
Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051
Textbook Information
CIU provides textbook information through the bookstore website. The textbook information includes title, author, edition ISBN, price, etc., when available.
Contact: Customer Support for On-Campus Students | | (803) 807-5263
Contact: Customer Support for Off-Campus Students | | (888) 392-2930
Transfer of Credit Policies & Articulation Agreements
Information for transfer students is available online. Detailed transfer student policies are also available. Articulation agreements are found under “Educational Opportunities” in the academic catalog.
Contact: Registrar | | (803) 807-5040
University Policies
Voter Registration
CIU, as a participant in Federal Title IV Student Aid programs, is required to advise you that voter registration forms are available in the Student Life office. You must be registered 30 days prior to any election.
Contact: Dean of Students | | (803) 807-5234
Health & Safety
Campus Security Policies & Crime Statistics
Information regarding public safety at CIU is provided on our Campus Security Page. Additional information may also be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety and Security. Crime statistics are reported to the Department of Education on a yearly basis, and additional information or copies of reports can be obtained from Campus Security.
Emergency Response Procedures regarding Missing Persons, Violence, or other emergencies.
CIU Alert is an emergency notification system that notifies faculty, staff, students and others of critical information and situations affecting campus through the use of text messages, voice messages to multiple phone numbers, email and more. This system makes immediate notifications across campus without delay.
Contact: Campus Security | | (803) 807-5555
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Information related to the university’s drug and alcohol abuse program may be found in the Drug-Free Campus brochure. This information applies to the entire university community, including students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus.
Contact: Dean of Students | | (803) 807-5234
Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics, & Fire Log (On-Campus Housing Facilities)
CIU provides an annual report which includes the campus fire safety policies, the number of fire drills, and any fire-related incidents for on-campus housing. This report may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety and Security.
Contact: Campus Security | | (803) 807-5555
Vaccine/Health Requirements Policy for Course Registration
For students taking courses on the CIU campus during a regular semester, the following requirements apply:
- Students born after 1956 must provide proof of immunity to measles and rubella with either official immunization records or proof of immune blood titer tests.
- All students must provide proof of tuberculosis (TB) skin screening test done within the year prior to enrollment.
- All students must provide proof of insurance coverage or purchase a policy available through CIU.
Contact: School Nurse | | (803) 807-5056
Student Outcomes (Student Right to Know Act)
Equity in Athletics Data
The equity in athletics site provides data from thousands of colleges and universities in a convenient searchable form. You can view CIU’s most recent report.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates & Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act requires co-educational institutions of postsecondary education that participate in a Title IV, federal student financial assistance program, and have an intercollegiate athletic program, to prepare an annual report to the Department of Education on athletic participation, staffing, and revenues and expenses by men’s and women’s teams. The department will use this information in preparing its required report to the Congress on gender equity in intercollegiate athletics.
Contact: Athletic Director | | (803) 807-5242
Seminary & School of Counseling Effectiveness
CIU provides an annual report which includes the average number of years to finish a degree in the CIU Seminary & School of Counseling. This report can be found here: Student Achievement Data 2020.pdf.
2018–2019 Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Assessment Report
Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051
Student Success (Persistence & Graduation Rates, Placement in Employment)
The Office of Institutional Research annually reports measures of student achievement. These measures include first-year persistence and graduation rates for new degree-seeking undergraduates.
Placement information is collected from designated professional programs.
General information about student outcomes is provided at the US Department of Education’s College Scoreboard.
Contact: Institutional Research | | (803) 807-5051
Teacher Preparation Program Report
CIU annually completes a report on the preparation of teachers for initial state certification/licensure.
View annual reports:
- 2018–2019 Title II Program Report
- 2019–2020 Title II Program Report
- 2020–2021 Title II Program Report | CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
Contact: Dean of College of Education | | (803) 807-5328
Student Financial Assistance
Financial Aid Office Contact
Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information
Paper copies of this information are available from the Financial Aid Office, which can be contacted at (803) 807-5036 or
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information:
Financial Aid Office
Administration Building
Columbia International University
7435 Monticello Road
Columbia, SC 29203
Contact: Director of Financial Aid | | Phone: (803) 807-5036
Applying for Financial Aid, Procedures, & Forms
Steps students need to take to apply for financial aid.
Cost of Attendance
Available for Undergraduates, Graduates, and Online Students.
Contact: Director of Financial Aid | | (803) 807-5036
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
A conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which a student was receiving Title IV, HEA Program (federal) funds, under any federal law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan or work-study assistance (HEA Sec. 484(r)(1)); (20 U.S.C. 1091(r)(1)).
Net Price Calculator
CIU provides the Net Price Calculator to help determine the costs of attendance and financial aid eligibility.
Contact: Director of Financial Aid | | (803) 807-5036
Professional Judgement
Professional Judgement is the process of reviewing an individual student’s unique circumstances and exercising the option to change the data elements normally applied through the Department of Education Federal Methodology (FM) formula on the FAFSA application that helps compute a student’s family contribution. Professional judgment changes are made when the financial aid administrator judges the standards used to determine the family contribution are inappropriate for purposes of calculating eligibility for financial aid due to extenuating circumstances. Normally, it comes as a result of a change in the student and/or family’s income or asset information as reported on the FAFSA.
Changes to FM are done only through individual data element changes and on an individual, case-by-case basis. Substitutions of data elements that result in a changed family contribution are thoroughly documented in the student file, recomputed in and generate a valid ISIR through correction in FAA Access to CPS Online or through the PowerFAIDS Software.
While maintaining the flexibility to respond to individual student circumstances, the Financial Aid Office also strives for consistency in treatment of students with similar unusual circumstances. When unusual student cases arise, or students appeal award decisions, they are reviewed by the Director of Financial Aid.
Columbia International University uses PowerFAIDS software to re-compute the family contribution both for corrections to reported data and for changes resulting when professional judgment is exercised. Therefore, when changes are made to a student’s or parents’ analysis of financial need, single data element changes resulting from receipt of corrected, updated, or enhanced information are entered and the revised family contribution is automatically recalculated. The changed EFC is used for eligibility determination for all programs. No payment is made on Pell Grant until a valid ISIR is received.
Potential Reasons for Exercise of Professional Judgment
All professional judgment changes apply only to data element changes and apply to all Title IV programs.
A. Satisfactory Academic Progress
- The Financial Aid Appeal Committee will be granted the use of “professional judgment”. Thus, for financial aid appeals purposes, the Financial Aid Appeal Committee has the ability to “override” the SAP status and make a SAP ineligible student — eligible for federal financial aid based on the student’s appeal.
B. Change of Dependency Status
- The ability to change the dependency status is only granted by the Director of Financial Aid.
- Students submitting requests to have their dependency status changed from dependent to independent are required to submit documentation that clearly indicates extenuating circumstances with the students and parental relationship. Students who were raised by family members other than their parents may be considered for a dependency over-ride. Documentation must be verifiable. Support letters should come from “independent” sources not associated with the student—such as a counselor, teacher, medical professional, social worker, or religious leader. All documentation needs to have contact information on letterhead from the individual writing the letter — including their address and phone number(s).
- Students with a marital status change from single (dependent on parent) to married within the award year may also submit a request for a dependency override. Required documentation is listed on the Special Circumstances-Change in Marital Status form.
C. Drop of Income and Income Adjustments
- The ability to use professional judgment for adjustments of data elements on the ISIR is granted to the Director of Financial Aid.
- All income adjustments must be done on a case-by-case basis.
- All income adjustments must be used to address special circumstances where the data elements on the ISIR — based on income from the base year — no longer reflect the family’s (or student’s) ability to contribute to the student’s education.
- When making the adjustment, it is appropriate to take into account a changed circumstance that affects the student’s (or family’s) current and near-term economic situation. A loss of employment or reduction in work hours can be considered.
- When making the adjustment, projected earnings can be used.
- Third party documentation of changed circumstances should be used, whenever possible, to document the request for professional judgment. In addition, students (and parents) will need to submit a formal request for an assessment of special circumstances.
- Adjustments on all “dollar” data elements that affect the EFC are allowed by law, including unemployment. These adjustments, however, must be documented along with the reason for the use of professional judgment.
You may submit the appropriate Special Circumstances Request and supporting documentation to the CIU Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid Office will begin to process your request for consideration within 30 days of submittal.
To find Professional Judgement documents, you will need to log into your MYCIU account.
- Click on the Finances tab and scroll down until you see Financial Aid.
- Click on “Click here to view your Financial Aid information.” That will take you to the Financial Aid portal’s homepage.
- On the homepage, scroll down to “Your Document Details” and click on “Get More Documents,” then click on “View Forms Here.”
- Click on the appropriate blue link for the Special Circumstances Request.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Pursuant to Federal Regulations regarding financial aid assistance under the Title IV, HEA programs (herein after referred to as federal financial aid), the Columbia International University (CIU) Financial Aid Office is required to monitor the academic progress of all students. Federal financial aid funds can only be awarded to students who meet a minimum qualitative standard (GPA), meet a minimum quantitative standard (Pace), and who have not exceeded 150 percent of program credit hours (Maximum Time Frame). If a student fails to meet any particular standard or combination of standards, he/she will become ineligible for federal financial aid. A student is considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and eligible for federal financial aid if he/she:
Eligibility Criteria
- Is admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student.
- Maintains a 2.0 GPA; 2.75 GPA for Teacher Education and Nursing Programs.
- Passes 67% of all attempted credit hours (Pace).
- Has not exceeded 150% of program credit hours (Maximum Timeframe).
- Is admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student.
- Maintains a 2.5 GPA in MAIS, MAMCR, MOL, MATL, MADRM, MAGMS, M.Ed, and MBA; 2.7 GPA in MABT; 3.0 GPA in MAT, MAAC, and MACN; 3.0 GPA in POL and PhD ICS; 3.2 GPA in all other doctoral programs.
- Passes 67% of all attempted credit hours (Pace).
- Has not exceeded 150% of program credit hours (Maximum Time Frame).
- Is admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student.
- Maintains a 2.5 GPA; 3.0 GPA in Doctoral Programs
- Passes 67% of all attempted credit hours (Pace).
- Has not exceeded 150% of program credit hours (Maximum Time Frame).
- Qualitative Standard (GPA)
Courses Included in Cumulative GPA Calculation:
- Any CIU academic coursework appearing on transcripts for which letter grades are received.
- Repeated coursework in which an improved grade is received; only the improved grade will be included in the student’s cumulative GPA.
- WF’s will be calculated as an F in the student’s GPA.
Courses Not Included in Cumulative GPA Calculation:
- Non-credit remedial courses.
- Grades for courses receiving incompletes, work in progress, withdrawals, audits, satisfactory grades and unsatisfactory grades.
- Grades for transfer credit hours accepted by CIU.
Quantitative Standard (Pace)
Pace is defined as the rate at which a student must progress through his/her educational program to ensure that the student will complete the program within the maximum time frame. Students must pass 67 percent of all attempted credit hours.
Courses Included in Quantitative Pace Calculation
- Any academic coursework including incompletes, withdrawals, satisfactory grades, unsatisfactory grades and repetitions that the student begins (registers for) and is charged for by the institution will be counted as attempted credit hours.
- Any courses transferred from another institution that CIU is accepting and applying toward a student’s degree program will be counted as attempted and earned credit hours.
- All exam credit hours (AP, CLEP, etc.) accepted and applied to a student’s degree program will be counted as attempted and earned credit hours.
- Any academic coursework with passing grades, repetitions with passing grades and courses with satisfactory grades will be counted as earned credit hours.
Courses Not Included in Quantitative Pace Calculation
- Non-credit remedial courses, audits, and work in progress are not counted as hours attempted or earned.
Maximum Time Frame
Students are no longer eligible for aid if the number of credit hours exceeds 150 percent of the published program length (i.e., Undergraduate programs — 120 hours x 150% = 180 hours, no federal aid past 180 hours; graduate programs 60 hours x 150% = 90 hours, no federal aid past 90 hours).
A student may appeal if they have changed their program of study.
For SAP purposes, CIU does not distinguish between full-time and part-time enrollment. The measurement of the student’s GPA, Pace and Maximum Time Frame is not impacted by enrollment status.
Readmit and Entering Transfer Students
Students will be assessed for eligibility upon re-entry to CIU and will be considered eligible for federal financial aid if they meet the eligibility criteria noted above. All transfer credit hours accepted by CIU will be counted as hours attempted and hours earned. Grades for transfer credit hours accepted by CIU will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA.
Frequency of SAP Assessment
If a student’s academic program is one year in length the Financial Aid Office will review SAP after each payment period in which the student is enrolled.
If a student’s academic program is greater than one year in length, the Financial Aid Office will review SAP after spring semester.
All students, regardless of enrollment status, will also be reviewed at the end of the second academic year for compliance with the GPA requirement only. Failure to have a GPA consistent with the program graduation requirement at the two-year checkpoint will result in a full SAP review and financial aid probation. (Please see table under eligibility criteria.)
Students who have not met SAP at the designated checkpoint are classified as ineligible for federal financial aid.
Students who do not meet the minimum SAP requirements will be sent a letter and/or email explaining that they are not eligible for federal financial aid. Students have the right to appeal.
Financial Aid Appeals
Students may appeal the federal financial aid ineligibility determination if they have extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are documented conditions beyond the student’s control (i.e., injury, illness, death of family member or family crisis). All appeals must be in writing to the Financial Aid Office.
In order to appeal, the student will need to submit the following:
- A letter of explanation detailing the extenuating circumstance and what has changed in the student’s situation to ensure SAP requirements will be met at the next evaluation.
- Supporting documentation of any and all events noted in the letter of explanations. Subsequent documentation submitted after an appeal is filed may or may not be reviewed for consideration of the appeal.
Appeals should be submitted prior to the drop/add date of the term in which a student is requesting financial aid assistance. Appeals will be reviewed, and the student will be notified by letter and/or email whether the appeal was approved or denied.
Students who have an appeal approved will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester and are eligible for federal financial aid while on probation. Failure to meet SAP standards at the end of that semester will result in loss of federal financial aid eligibility for the upcoming semester. Once minimum SAP requirements have been met, federal financial aid eligibility can be reinstated.
If a student’s appeal is denied then the student will be required to successfully attain minimum SAP requirements using his/her own financial resources to continue enrollment. Once minimum SAP requirements have been met, aid eligibility can be reinstated.
Academic Plan
Students with an approved appeal that cannot achieve minimum SAP requirements within one semester are required to develop and submit an academic plan. The academic plan will be created by the student in conjunction with the student’s academic dean and/or advisor and the Financial Aid Office. The plan will be signed by the student, the academic dean and/or advisor, and the Financial Aid Office.
An academic plan will detail the specific expectations and requirements that must be met by a specific time frame. Failure to meet the minimum SAP requirements by the specific time frame results in the student being ineligible for federal financial aid. The Financial Aid Office will notify students by email or mail of their ineligibility.
Students can submit a written appeal to change their academic plan. The appeal must explain what has happened to make the change necessary and how they will be able to make academic progress.
CIU reserves the right to terminate an academic plan at any time based on student’s lack of progress.
Refund Policies
Terms & Conditions of Financial Aid Awards
Your award may include scholarships, grants, loans, or work study from federal, state, and institutional programs, as well as funds from sources outside CIU that were known at the time your award was made. The information below is intended to describe the terms and conditions of your award, outline policies and procedures, and explain the process for delivery of funds. In some cases, individualized comments will appear on your Award Letter.
Please read the material carefully so you will understand what is expected of you.
Award Information
Financial Aid Eligibility: Your need-based aid eligibility is the difference between the cost for you to attend CIU and what you and your family should be able to pay. The information used in the calculation of your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) was reported by you and your family on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to qualify for federal, state and institutional aid, all courses must be required for the current degree or certificate the student is seeking.
Types of Aid: An award will usually include one or more types of aid in order to meet all or as much of your financial aid eligibility as possible. If you are an undergraduate student working on your first degree and your FAFSA application was received, your aid package may include some aid from scholarship and/or grant funds, as well as an offer of loans or work study funds. Doctoral level students, online-only students, and students seeking a second bachelor’s degree may receive institutional aid and student loans.
State Aid: Palmetto, LIFE, LIFE Enhancement, or HOPE scholarship recipients must complete 30 credit hours within an academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer) and achieve at least a 3.0 cumulative LIFE GPA in order to maintain a state merit scholarship. A SC Tuition Grant recipient must achieve at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
CIU Scholarships and Grants: The Financial Aid Office awards scholarships and grants each year in the order that necessary documents have been received. A list of CIU Scholarships and Grants can be found on Financial Aid web pages location on Cost & Aid. Questions regarding a particular scholarship or grant should be directed to the Financial Aid Office (FAO). All CIU scholarships and grants are awarded in the fall and spring semesters only and are contingent upon continuous enrollment and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Athletic Aid: Students receiving athletic scholarships will receive a merit scholarship but are NOT eligible for any additional CIU grants. Athletic scholarships are renewed each year per their Financial Aid Agreement letter with the Athletics Department. If an athlete breaks their Financial Aid Agreement letter, the student is subject to lose their athletic scholarship and will not be re-awarded as a non-athlete until the next school year.
Non-Degree Seeking or Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE): Students in these programs are NOT eligible for CIU scholarships or grants.
Educational Benefits: Students receiving CIU educational benefits are not eligible for additional CIU scholarships or grants.
Award Conditions: You must be enrolled full-time in a degree program each semester to be eligible for state and CIU aid. Students must be enrolled at least half-time each semester in a degree program to be eligible for Federal Direct Loans. However, if eligible for the Federal Pell Grant, you can receive these funds with less than half-time enrollment. Your award for the 2025-26 academic year may be used only for educational and living expenses during that period. The academic year consists of fall, spring, and summer semesters. All aid received, except Federal Work-Study, will be credited to your student account during the beginning of each semester if you have completed all the necessary paperwork for receiving these funds. Institutional and state awards are renewable for up to eight consecutive semesters of enrollment. Total financial aid (including loans) cannot exceed the total cost of attendance. Combined gift aid from all sources (federal, state, CIU or outside) cannot exceed CIU’s direct cost (tuition, fees, housing and food). If combined gift aid exceeds direct costs, institutional aid will be reduced.
Online Only Students: Financial aid will be credited to the students’ account in two equal disbursements. The first disbursement will be applied after the start of the first class, once attendance and participation is verified. This disbursement covers the cost of tuition, books, fees and any other authorized charges. If this results in excess funds, the Accounting Office has 14 days to issue the funds. You will receive the funds unless the school has been authorized to hold them for a future semester. The second disbursement will be processed at the midpoint of the term, once attendance and participation is verified. This disbursement will cover the cost of any books, fees, and any other authorized charges generated after the first disbursement. If this results in excess funds, the Accounting Office has 14 days to issue the funds. You will receive the funds unless the school has been authorized to hold them.
Study Abroad: Students who plan to study abroad for a semester or semesters need to meet with the Financial Aid Office to determine financial aid eligibility for that semester or semesters. Study tour hours may not count towards federal, state, or CIU institutional aid eligibility requirements.
Continuation of Aid: You need to reapply for financial aid each year after October1 by completing the FAFSA. If you are not completing a FAFSA, you must contact the Financial Aid Office each year in order to be awarded CIU institutional aid. Continuation of financial aid is contingent upon maintaining satisfactory GPA and community standards.
Outside Scholarships & Additional Financial Aid
Additional Financial Aid: If you receive additional financial aid from an outside source, which has not been included as part of your award, you must notify the FAO immediately in writing. Additional aid which must be reported includes scholarships, loans, fellowships, tuition remission, vocational rehabilitation, veteran’s benefits, and other educational benefits. Because your eligibility for financial aid is based on the resources you expect to have for your educational expenses, any additional financial aid must be considered.
Award Adjustments: Federal regulations and institutional policy specify that a student may not receive more aid than is determined by the FAFSA to be the student’s eligibility. Additional aid from other sources must be used to reduce your eligibility and may not replace all or a part of the expected family contribution. CIU institutional aid may be recalculated with the addition of outside scholarships. Although additional scholarships may not always increase your total aid, it is to your benefit to apply for and receive scholarship funds because your loan or work study obligation may be reduced.
Payment of Outside Scholarships: If you are awarded a scholarship or other aid from an organization other than CIU, it is likely that the donor or organization will send the money to CIU for credit to your student account. Please refer the donor or organization to the FAO if there are questions about the payment of your funds.
Status Changes
Reconsideration of Financial Aid Eligibility: Your eligibility for financial aid is determined based on your family’s financial circumstances in 2023. If these financial circumstances changed significantly in 2024, your eligibility for financial aid for the 2025-2026 academic year may be re-evaluated. Special circumstances taken into consideration for significant financial changes include loss of employment by a parent or spouse, death of a parent or spouse, loss of benefits, large medical expenses, private school tuition, and divorce or separation. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more details if needed.
Change of Status: Your financial aid award is based on information reported to us about your program of study, state residency, dependency status, educational benefits and whether you will live on or off campus during the school year. If the information is incorrect, you must notify the Financial Aid Office of the changes. If a change in your status results in reduced eligibility for aid, you may be required to repay all or a portion of the funds.
Enrollment Status: Your award is based on the enrollment assumptions listed on the Award Letter. Any change in your course load may require an adjustment. Please notify the Financial Aid Office if your enrollment plans change. CIU offers scholarship or grants based on expected full-time enrollment. Undergraduate students must take 12 or more credit hours and Graduate and Seminary students must take 9 credit hours per fall and spring semester to meet that condition. A change in enrollment status after funds are disbursed (and before the end of the tuition refund period) may require repayment of all or a portion of your award.
Withdrawal from CIU: If you withdraw (or take a leave of absence) from CIU or drop to less than half-time status during the period of your award or if your registration is canceled, all or a portion of the funds you received must be repaid. The return of funds will be prorated according to your date of withdrawal, course load reduction, or canceled registration. If you withdraw, take a leave of absence, become less than half-time, or cancel enrollment during the first semester of an award, your second semester aid will be canceled. You must request that Financial Aid Office reactivate your financial aid for the spring semester if funding allows. If you have a loan during the enrolled period, or had a loan for a previous enrollment period, you must complete federal loan exit counseling at the time of withdrawal. You may come to the Financial Aid Office before withdrawal or a change of status to discuss the effects of your decision and to learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a student borrower.
Moving Off-Campus: Traditional undergraduate students who are under the age of 23 and who have been granted permission to move off campus may have institutional aid adjusted if the aid results in excess funds.
Academic Progress Policy: Each CIU scholarship and grant awarded has a minimum GPA requirement. In order for a CIU student to retain eligibility for institutional aid, the student must meet the criteria listed on the Financial Aid web pages available on Cost & Aid. Students who are not meeting federal SAP requirements, cannot receive federal, state or institutional aid. Please review the SAP policy.
Types of Aid
Columbia International University participates in the following Federal student aid programs:
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
- Federal Work Study Program
- Federal Stafford Loan Subsidized and Unsubsidized
- Federal PLUS Loan
- South Carolina Tuition Grant (need based)
- South Carolina HOPE
- South Carolina LIFE
- South Carolina Palmetto Fellows
State need-based student aid programs also use results from the FAFSA to determine eligibility for state funds. State aid deadlines are published on the FAFSA.
Other state aid program information is available at NASFAA.
All students who have completed a FAFSA, been accepted to CIU and have completed their financial aid file will be evaluated for merit-based scholarships and CIU grants. Scholarships and grants are awarded on first come, first served basis and funds are limited. New and current students will be contacted via email after they have completed their FAFSA.