A focused alien will avoid getting caught up in the world around them and will focus on their true home in heaven.
What it Means to be a Focused Alien
How do we as Christians interact with the issue of immigration? How do we understand our place in the world as followers of Christ? In much of the Old Testament, God works and engages with people as exiles. The concept of being an exile, of being distinct and different in the land, is a key theme throughout all of Scripture. The people of Israel were continually exiles in the land. They were exiles in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. This concept, then, progresses into the New Testament. In 1 Peter and in Hebrews, we hear that we are strangers and aliens in this world. This world is not our home. That is the alien piece. It is important to remember that this is not our home, that our home is elsewhere, and that the treasures that we store up should not be here where moth and rust corrupt it, but in heaven. A focused alien will avoid getting caught up in the world around them and will focus on their true home in heaven. The focus component of that also comes from Hebrews chapter 12 where it says that as we are running this race, as we are progressing through life, our focus should be on Jesus, who has gone ahead of us. We have this great cloud of witnesses that are watching us and cheering us on. Our destination, our home in heaven, should be where we are looking so that we do not get caught up in the things that are around us here on this earth, which is not our home.
It is important to remember that this is not our home, that our home is elsewhere, and that the treasures that we store up should not be here where moth and rust corrupt it, but in heaven.
How Christians Can Experience the Stockholm Syndrome
The Stockholm Syndrome can occur when we form a relationship with our current environment and become protective of it. We become so used to the environment that we are in that we begin to build relationships with it, which is what we are dealing with many times. We forget that this world is not our home so we accumulate and seek the comforts that this world provides. In the end, it prevents us from being effective in preparing for what is truly our home and investing and placing what is of importance for eternity. This is because we are so focused on what is temporal.