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Professor Seth Scott: Recalibrating Amidst Tension

Columbia International University Counseling Professor Seth Scott speaks to the annual conference of the South Carolina Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ. (YouTube)
CIU Counseling Professor Seth Scott

CIU Counseling Professor Seth Scott

Do you feel like you are living in a world that is constantly on edge? With COVID-19 and racial tensions around us, how do followers of Christ recalibrate in the midst of the strain?

Columbia International University professor of Counseling, Seth Scott offered biblical hope to this question in a plenary session at the South Carolina Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ’s (COGIC) Virtual Triad and Holy Convocation 2020.

Scott reminds believers to have an eternal perspective as we walk by faith in Christ and not by sight, and encourages them to “make it our aim to please Him” (2 Cor. 5:9). He even offers practical breathing techniques to use in times of personal stress.

Take time out and a deep breath, as you view Scott’s virtual address, “Recalibrating Amidst Tension: Harmony, Holistic, Hypervigilance, Home & Hope.”

Check out CIU’s Master or Arts in Counseling program. CIU is the only Christian university in South Carolina with a CACREP-accredited master’s degree program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

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