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World Christian Week: God is worthy

Dr. Trevor Castor (left) and Dr. David Cashin discuss boundaries.
Sharon Wingo discusses Bible translation opportunities with CIU students. (Photos by Nathaniel Rabon)

Sharon Wingo discusses Bible translation opportunities with CIU students. (Photos by Nathaniel Rabon)

By Naomi Balk

CIU Student Writer 

CIU’s annual World Christian Week encouraged students to consider their role in making disciples of all nations, as they heard from Intercultural Studies professors and missionaries and dialogued with over two dozen mission agency representatives. The week, which included worship in music and prayer from around the globe, celebrated CIU’s core value of World Evangelization.

CIU Intercultural Studies (ICS) professsors Dr. Trevor Castor and Dr. David Cashin dialoged on crossing boundaries with the gospel, both physical and cultural, while ICS professor Dr. Victor Cuartas, a native of Colombia, and CIU alumnus William Brown, a pastor in North Africa, discussed their experiences with church planting.

Meanwhile, Dr. Michelle Raven, the International Community Development Program Director, shared how missionaries can advance the Kingdom of God through caring for people’s physical needs, while CIU alumni Ted and Sharon Wingo, who served among a Mexican people group for 25 years, discussed the importance of Bible translation.

“It’s an awesome privilege to share God’s Word with people who have never heard it, or held a Bible, worship Him for the first time,” Ted Wingo said. “It is awesome because God is worthy of praise from all people.”

CIU junior Elisabeth Buchanan, whose goal is to teach at an international school, says World Christian Week helps students to look outward.

“The worship in Chapel is really powerful and shows us what the community of Christians throughout the world is like,” Buchanan said.

James Williams, a sophomore, said while he would like to plant a church in the United States, there is work to be done among the unchurched and unreached.

“God has given me a heart to go beyond the comfort of the four walls (of the church),” Williams said. “It has to start in the heart ... and we have to do our part and share the Word of God.”

Dr. Ed Smither, the dean of the College of Intercultural Studies encouraged the students to think about “what is God calling you to do and how you can be a part of God’s mission.”

“World Christian Week is a big opportunity for CIU to get involved in missions and connected with agencies and organizations,” said Elijah Thomas, a first-year graduate ICS major.

Thomas added that he is not sure where the Lord is calling him, but he is eager to serve in making Christ known.   

Hear World Christian Week messages on CIU's Chapel podcast page. 

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