SC Lt. Governor visits CIU to address symposium on aging

South Carolina Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette is interviewed by the local media after speaking at CIU.
South Carolina Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette visited the Columbia International University campus to address a church-community partnership symposium on Aug. 22. The event was hosted by the CIU School of Business & Professional Studies.
The symposium titled “Faith and Community: United to Serve,” brought together faith leaders and community organizations from across South Carolina, stimulating partnerships to address the growing unmet needs of seniors and their families.
Evette, who was introduced by CIU President Dr. Mark Smith, said she understands the needs of seniors noting that her 91-year-old mother lives with her.
“It’s important to me, I’m compassionate and passionate about making sure (seniors) have the services they need,” Evette said, adding that she was pleased to see the role of the faith community because “government can’t do everything.”
“Our faith community really steps in, in South Carolina, something that I’m very proud of,” Evette said. “They step in and fill in the gaps that we can’t.”
Evette was joined by Acting Director of the South Carolina Department on Aging, Steven Morris.
The day included panel discussions led by cooperative ministry leaders from around South Carolina, break-out strategy sessions, and recognized experts who addressed community needs.
This is the second time Evette has spoken on the CIU campus. She addressed a discussion on criminal justice reform last spring.
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