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Live Your Life Offline

CIU Mark Smith Live Your Life Offline
Mark Smith CIU - Live Your Life Offline

Live Your Life Offline - Mark Smith CIU

As president of a university, I interact with teenage students on a regular basis. One thing that I have noticed that is concerning to me is the amount of time each day that is spent on their phones. Technology has provided us with numerous advantages in how we can study and develop as people, but the countless social media applications that have become a part of our everyday lives is worrisome. While I must state I am not anti-social media, the addiction that I see developing will have long term impact in many ways.

Here are a few questions:

1. I wonder about the development of cognitive thinking skills as social media tools are used to many times think for us.
2. I wonder about truth- America was founded on a Judaeo Christian heritage with a moral law that was followed by most- the Ten Commandments- now social media embraces rugged individualism without any regard for truth- sometimes my opinion is strictly an opinion but some might take it as truth.
3. I wonder if human relationships will be damaged as a result of the loss of vocal discussions and loss of eye contact and facial expressions- I have learned over the years to read body language for signs when I have offended people and that causes me to quickly say I am sorry.
4. I wonder if depression and suicide will increase as loneliness abounds from not having close human interaction- I know I need friends and I know the Bible instructs us to have friends for comfort.
5. I wonder are we creating a world of hate and discord and free expression where we rarely know and trust each other because we have not learned to love each other – again we are reminded that Love covers a multitude of sins.
6. I wonder if we are using social media to criticize and destroy each other based on made up lies that we would never say face to face, and that these lies are creating a hard society instead of a merciful society.
7. I wonder if we are making social media our god and forgetting to spend time with creating a relationship with the living eternal God who loves us and sent His son to die for our sins.
8. I wonder if we are destroying our families by introducing phones way to early which results in kids being targeted by the pornographic industry. I know what I have dealt with over the years with college students. Oh, I wonder: are we destroying ourselves?
Oh, I wonder.

People today hold onto their phones with a stronger grip than they use to hold their loved one. They become attached to a material object rather than to their relationships with family, friends or God. When I spend time with my family, I am intentional about living in the moment with them. I remember how blessed I am to have a supportive and loving family, and that God gave them to me to make memories and grow together with them. I trust we will all be wise.

Are you ready to transform your life?