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Columbia Urban League honors CIU President during Black History Month commemoration

President Dr. Mark A. Smith and James T. McLawhorn Jr. of the Columbia Urban League (Photos by Andrea Calamaro, CIU student photographer)

February 9, 2022

Columbia International University President Dr. Mark Smith was surprised during CIU’s observance of Black History month, when Columbia Urban League president and CEO James T. McLawhorn Jr. honored him with a commemorative plaque acknowledging Smith’s prestigious “Bridge Builder Award” that was presented to him in November.

The plaque recognizes the efforts of CIU to be a positive influence in its own neighborhood.

As Smith received the plaque he noted his friendship with McLawhorn and how they joined with area pastors to pray for peace and racial reconciliation in the spring of 2020 following  the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Black History Month is commemorated at CIU with a week of special chapels featuring messages from African-American pastors, CIU’s gospel worship team and important moments in black history. Listen to the Black History Month messages on the CIU podcast page

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