CIU Undergraduate Preview Day: A Taste of CIU Life
December 15, 2010
By Lenae Simpson
CIU Student Writer
Preview Days at Columbia International University provide an opportunity for prospective students to experience a bit of CIU culture. Students and parents can attend a "Majors Fair," take a campus tour, worship in chapel, and even sit in on a class. The events are aimed at giving prospective students an authentic taste of CIU life.
High school junior Abi Bethea from Toccoa, Ga attended the fall Undergraduate Preview Day and was impressed with the spiritual vibrancy of CIU.
"[The student body and faculty] are very serious about loving Jesus," Abi said. But they also have a lot of fun ... [they are] really authentic in faith and action."
David and Cathie Strawn attended Preview Day with their high school senior daughter, Rachel. Rachel knew of CIU from an alumnus and WMHK, CIU's local radio station. Preview Day helped Rachel solidify her decision to major in Psychology and minor in Intercultural Studies.
"I was so encouraged spiritually... as an older believer ... by all the young people" worshiping in chapel," Cathie Strawn said.
David Strawn said he found the financial aid seminar most helpful.
"[Paying for college] seems like a real reachable goal now."
A recent addition to the Preview Day activities is the "Our Passion Is" fair. CIU students and alumni displayed their passion for serving the Lord through various ministries and occupations and described how their training at CIU enhanced their preparation and effectiveness. They set up booths highlighting everything from women's ministry, cheerleading, and debate, to military chaplaincy and a skateboard ministry.
Admissions Ambassador and CIU junior Paulina Campis, who spearheaded the fair, described it as "an event that is targeted to allow prospective students or current students to get a better idea or perspective on how they can use their God-given passion in a creative way to glorify God."
See photos from Preview Day at:
The next CIU Undergraduate Preview Day is March 4, 2011. For details call (800) 777-2227, ext. 5040 or e-mail