Alert Lipsum Text Invades Dev site!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Bachelor of Science in

Intercultural Studies

Prepare for Cross-Cultural Ministry and Service

The future of global missions and international relations depends on effective cross-cultural communication. Columbia International University’s Bachelor of Science in Intercultural Studies will prepare you with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate a rapidly changing, multicultural world.

The program will equip you for cross-cultural mission work, urban church planting, the non-profit sector, military, or international business. This program emphasizes cultural intelligence, teaching you to communicate effectively across cultures and develop a deeper understanding of cultural complexities, all from a biblical worldview.

Subject material includes understanding cultures and worldviews, world religions, biblical theology of mission and cross-cultural communication. Specialized electives in subjects such as church planting, Islam, and the history of global Christianity, allow for a tailored education to align with passions.



Next Start

August 25

Credit Hours



School of Missions & Intercultural Ministry



Career Opportunities

  • Government Diplomat
  • Military Chaplain
  • Church Ministry Leader
  • Missionary
  • Business Development Manager
  • International Relations Specialist
  • Nonprofit Manager
  • Cross-Cultural Trainer
  • Global Outreach Coordinator
  • International Program Manager
  • Cultural Affairs Officer
  • International Aid Worker
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist
  • Conflict Resolution Advisor

Cultural Intelligence

CIU’s focus on cultural awareness will teach you to communicate effectively across cultures and develop a deeper understanding of cultural complexities, all from a gospel-centered, biblical worldview.

Learn from Experts

Our faculty bring decades of real-world experience and practical wisdom to the classroom, offering insights that go beyond textbook learning and prepare you for the challenges you’ll face in your field.

Cross-Cultural Communication

Learn how to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural communication, understanding the nuances of different cultural norms, values, and behaviors to build strong, respectful relationships in diverse settings and environments.

Meet the Faculty

Course Preview

In addition to the undergraduate core and other related courses, here is a glimpse at a few of the courses you will be taking in this program.

For a full list of courses related to this program, visit the Academic Catalog:

ICS 3300 - Biblical Theology of Mission

You will engage in a comprehensive study of the biblical foundation for mission as it relates to the church's missionary obligation before God to the world in both word and deed. Special attention will be given to exposing you to important issues within evangelical missiology today.

ICS 3140 - Introduction to Cultures and Worldviews

In this course you will study cultural anthropology for the purpose of equipping followers of Christ to be competent interpreters of culture in 21st Century global contexts.

ICS 3110 - Introduction to World Religions

This course is an introduction to the broad historical development, philosophical structures, and worldviews of the non-Christian religions. You will explore primal religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese and Japanese religions, and Islam, as well as some of their folk expressions.