Missionary/Translator/Educator. Edward Sywulka began work among the large tribe of Mam Indians in Guatemala in 1934. He pioneered Theological Education by Extension (TEE) in Guatemala, and translated the Old and New Testaments into the Mam language. He was also involved in meeting physical needs of the Mam people through medical work. Edward Sywulka and his wife, Pauline, saw the Mam Evangelical Church grow to a solid 24 organized churches (some with over 1000 members), 74 daughter churches, 170 preaching points and an evangelical community of nearly 25,000. He was associated with Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Translators, was in the first Summer Institute of Linguistics class in 1933, and taught at S.I.L. on many occasions. All of his six children attended Columbia Bible College & Seminary, three of them graduating. Edward passed away in 2012.