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Fall 2024 Christian Life Conference: Are you right with God and others?

September 25, 2024

By Shoshannah Crompton, CIU Student Writer

Columbia International University’s annual Christian Life Conference focused on ensuring you are right with God and others. The three-day event celebrates the CIU core value of The Victorious Christian Life.

This year’s messages were delivered by CIU alumnus Dr. Jeff Philpott, lead pastor of Sandhills Community Church in Columbia. Philpott earned both his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from CIU. He reflected on passages from 2 Timothy in each Chapel session: on Tuesday expressing the importance of ensuring you are right with God; on Wednesday the need to be right with fellow believers; and on Thursday the value in developing your spiritual gifts.

A theme that developed during the conference was a line from the song, “So Will I (100 Billion X)” with the lyrics: “If the rocks cry out in worship so will I.”

The students were eager to apply Philpott’s messages, which means taking responsibility and concrete steps to grow in faith and in relationship with the Lord.

“I think that the coming together of the student body before the Lord is one of the greatest things we can do, for our mental and spiritual health, but also as fulfillers of God’s Word,” said student Serena Graber.

Philpott also expressed the essential need for church saying, “The Church is not an institution designed by man, it’s a family created by God. He designs it, He maintains it, He orchestrates it.”

He also spoke on the importance of unity in the Church.

Gavin Barfield, a senior said he “thought it was cool that [Dr. Philpott talked] about being friends with people who are different from you” as community and fellowship is essential for spiritual growth of the Church.

Philpott offered 2 Timothy 2:15 as a valuable verse for students to memorize to keep them in the faith: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

The Prayer Day concluded with prayer in small groups with an emphasis on: that the lost would come to know God; that our world would be blessed; for our city of Columbia to feel God’s presence; and for CIU to flourish this semester. The small groups then went on a “prayer walk” around campus. Students were seen praying over classrooms, residence halls, the library, the dining hall, and for all of the people working or studying on campus.

Listen to the Christian Life Conference messages from Dr. Jeff Philpott at

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