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Program Options

Program 1 is designed for college graduates with no previous studies in Bible or theology. Program 2 is designed

for college graduates who have at least 30 semester hours of Bible, theology, or Church history.

Program 1 purpose i to provid :

Globally focused, multicultural ministry training for college graduates whose previous study has not

included biblical and theological disciplines.

Ministry training for individuals who are changing careers.

An opportunity for personal development through careful study of the Scriptures and application of biblical

truth to life and ministry.

An opportunity to test one’s call to vocational Christian service through ministry studies and supervised


Program 2 purpos is to provide:

Advanced ministry preparation that acknowledges and builds on prior studies in Bible, theology, and

Church history.

Specialized training for individuals who intend to serve in another culture.

Professional development for individuals in ministry who desire the refreshment and growth stimulated by

advanced studies.

Advanced training in biblical studies.

The Program 2 curriculum has been constructed to ensure adequate coverage and balance in essential areas of

preparation for ministry without unwarranted duplication of prior study. Where duplication occurs, a student may

petition to substitute another course in the same field of study.

Entrance Requirements

In addition to those requirements listed in the Admissions section of the catalog, applicants for Program 2 must

have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution and a minimum of 30 semester hours of

previous study in Bible, theology, and/or Church history.

Students with 18-29 semester hours of previous biblical and theological studies from an accredited institution may

enroll in CIU’s SSM as Program 1 students and complete the courses necessary to reach the 30 semester hour

minimum for entrance into Program 2. Hours used to meet entrance requirements, however, may not be applied

toward degree completion. Once students have met the 30 hour minimum they may apply for entrance into a

Program 2 degree using the Degree Change form available from the SSM dean’s office (Schuster 140) or at


General Require ents (Programs 1 and 2):

Completion of one of the prescribed curricula with a minimum 2.3 cumulative GPA (3.0 in Ministry Care).

Although faculty advisors assist students in planning their course of studies, it is the student’s

responsibility to ensure that all requirements for graduation have been met.

Read the entire Bible following admission, including selections assigned in Bible courses. This requirement

must be completed six weeks prior to graduation (not applicable to D.Min. or Biblical Ministry Certificate).

Approval of Candidacy (not applicable to Biblical Ministry Certificate students; see details below)

Significant achievement of CIU’s SSM objectives (see above)

Affirmation of the Doctrinal Statement, except section 8 (see below)

Completion of chapel attendance requirement (see below)


m 1 req



M.A. (T

S): 60 ho

urs: 12 of

the last 18 hours taken as CIU’s SSM courses




, M.A. YML: 60 hours: Minimum of 21 semester hours completed in residence; 12 of the last 18 hours

taken a s


M course


M.A.MC :

63 hour

s: Minim

um of 21 semester hours completed in residence; 12 of the last 18 hours taken as CIU’s SSM courses


72 hours: Minimum of 24 semester hours completed in residence; 24 of the last 30 hours taken as CIU’s SSM courses


90 hours: Minimum of 30 semester hours completed in residence; 24 of the last 30 hours taken as CIU’s SSM courses