Prayer Guide

Praying Parents

Prayer is one of the most important things that  you, as a parent, can do for your college student. While college can be one of the best experiences for them, it may come with challenges or distractions. It is our prayer that our students will have a passion for God, walk steadfast with Him, desire to study His Word and have daily intimacy with Him. We also pray they will be diligent in their studies and grow in Christ-likeness through their work.

Pray for all of our college students and pray for the entire university. Below is a list of some of things you can pray for:

Administration and Staff

Decision-making shaped by the mind of Christ, perseverance, joy


Good physical outlets for all students, Christ-likeness in competition


Their teaching is grounded in Scripture, connections with students, personal lives that exemplify Christ, sensitivity to students

Difficult Issues for Students

Struggles with discouragement, fear, loneliness, depression

Evangelical Unity

oneness in spirit and purpose, growth as a community

Field Education

Life-changing ministry to the Columbia, SC community, fruitfulness


Our joyful reliance upon God for material provision


Their adjustment to college, maturity, friendships, a Columbia church home

International Students

Transition to a new culture, new friendships

President, Dr. Bill Jones

His continued wisdom, strength, spiritual leadership


Purity and respect for students in dating relationships; strong commitment and love for married students; patience and compassion for students with children.


Our in school events and activities, in traveling to and from campus


Diligence in their studies, growth in Christ-likeness through coursework