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An Alternative to Dr. Jack Kevorkian

June 8, 2011

It's a story that continues to pop up nearly every day on the Internet.  The story is linked from Web site to Web site, from blog to blog.  It's the story of "A Promised Kept" - the story of Columbia International University President Emeritus Robertson McQuilkin and his late wife Muriel.  It's a simple story in one sense.  A man sets aside his career as the president of a thriving college to care full time for his wife who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.  

But it's perhaps the counter-culture nature of Robertson McQuilkin's decision that makes the story so compelling - and to some so foolish.  He made a vow "till death do we part" and he kept it, even in an age where some say suicide is the best answer to a debilitating disease.    

The story has now gone "mainstream."  George Berkin, a columnist and reporter for The Star Ledger newspaper in Newark, N.J. picked up on the McQuinkin love story following the recent death of "Dr. Death" – Jack Kevorkian, a well-known advocate of assisted suicide.  What does the death of Kevorkian and the McQuilkins have in common?  Read Berkin's perspective in his column titled, "An Alternative to Dr. Jack Kevorkian" at the Web site of






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